Turn off System Restore

Turn off System Restore

System Restore feature is just like Windows 3.1/Me/Millenium and even XP. System Restore will restore your system to how it was when the last restore point was created. First, you can access system restore by several methods, a few as follows:
  • Start/Control Panel/Backup and Restore Centre/Create or Repair a Restore Point; or
  • Start/All Programs/Maintenance/Backup and Restore Center.
System Restore is on automatically. To turn it off, you simply go into 'Create a Restore Point or Change Settings' and turn it off (or on) by checking or unchecking options.

The Good: When System Restore is turned off, it saves a large amount of disk space because it is not continually creating restore points. It also enhances performance significantly as it is not running in the background and creating these restore points.

The Bad: When it is turned off, you cannot revert to a previously saved restore point; and

The Ugly: If you make a significant mistake with it off, there is usually no turning back. You may need to completely reinstall, if its bad enough, which can be time consuming.

My Own Opinion??? Ok...sure I would suggest you leave it ON for now, anyway, and reduce your saved restore points to just the one by:

Start/Computer/Right click on 'C'/Properties/Disk CleanUp/More Options/System restore and Shadow Copies (Clean Up).

When your tweaking is nearing an end and you are comfortable with what you have, make a disk backup and by all means shut it down. You will see a world of difference.
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